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League tables

These league tables are generated from the written records that DipSoc has of games played from Michaelmas 1996 onwards. Please point out any errors (misspelled names, broken links, etc) to the committee.

League tables by season:

An explanation of the algorithm used to score the games can be found on this page.
There is an additional record of all all-day games.
The files used to generate the tables 1996-2017 can be viewed here or in bulk.


1900 (10)
Aberration (2)
Anarchy UK (6)
Ancient Mediterranean (3)
Bretwalda (19)
Cantabrigia (13)
Classical (2)
Colonial (5)
Devolution (3)
Double Modern (2)
Heptarchy (7)
Hundred (1)
Imperial (1)
Lunacy (2)
Machiavelli (4)
Modern (16)
Octarine (7)
Sail Ho! (2)
Sengoku (2)
Standard (209)
Youngstown (2)


Q: How many games are included in the statistics?
A: 330

Q: What is the total number of years played in these games?
A: 1680

Q: What power in Standard has the highest average score?
A: France (59.65)

Q: How often has someone been elimated within 2 years in a Standard game?
A: 8 times (Austria in 2003–LX, 2004–M6, 2006–M6, and 2009–M2a, Italy in 2013–L6, Russia in 1998–L5a, and 2013–L4, and Germany in 2013–L6)

Q: Who has played the largest number of games?
A: Johannes Nordstrom (96)

Q: How many Geoffs are there in the DipSoc records?
A: 4 (Geoff Bache, Geoff Simons, Geoff Tolley, and Geoff Meakin)

Q: Are men ridiculously overrepresented in the records?
A: Yes. 96.5% of the player entries are men.

Q: Who made these useless pages anyway?
A: The scripts used to generate the league tables were originally written by Gaute Strokkenes and have been modified by Johannes Nordstrom.

Updated 2017-02-24
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