The algorithm for scoring a game first assigns each player a pre-score,
based on their SC count at the end of the game and the last year played
(or year of elimination for an eliminated player). The pre-scores are then
scaled by a common factor so that the average score in each game is
50.00. The formula for the pre-score of a player is
3α((x - (σ - σm)/2 + 1)
2 - 1)
+ (1-α)(x2 + 3x + 5)
where x and σ denote the final and starting SC counts of the player,
and σm the average starting SC count, all expressed as a
fraction of the average number of SCs available per player in the variant.
α is (3/4)^(#years played - 1).
A convoy is successful if there is at least one unbroken convoy for the army from its origin to its destination.
If a convoy paradox arises the convoyed army does not cut support given by a unit in the destination province to an attack on a fleet necessary for convoying the army.
Octarine: The starting units in Hung Hung and Terror Incognita are armies.