League Table for 1997/1998
Pos. Name Pld. Avg. M2b M2c M3 M4a* M4b M5 M6a* M6b M7a M7b M7d M8a M8c L1a* L1b L2a L2b L3a L4a L4b L5a L5b* L6* L7* L8 L9b E1 E3 E4 E6 E7
1Geoff Bache 1370.34 59 92 66 5760 77 62 61 46 418210077
2Neil Yorke-Smith 1268.81 60 88 8954 89 108 5546 406067 28
Chris Gilley 265.78 49 66
3Emily Bache 765.12 52 54 7367 61 5990
4Sam Norton 564.91 52 65 30 75 103
5Geoff Simons 1364.79 6284 58 47 95 104 50 53 16724770 69
6Ben Gilbert 661.11 57 35 57 5872 88
7Chuan-Tze Teo 660.21 76 8288 35 21 59
8Adam Dunning 859.64 31 63 80 8272 26 67 59
9Dave Lambert 357.05 48 57 50
10Christoph Wunderer 755.31 30 31 4384 86 59 70
11Tariq Chaudhry 1553.58 94 16 72 67 15 71 6739 62534675 298223
12Martin Stribblehill 1353.52 64 84 7454 29 30 3166 348267 31 51
13Stephen Worthy 351.28 67 7 79
14Alex Churchill 1451.09 78 81 43 58 53 23 2574 45 2846 5260 23
15Duncan Richer 1549.22 48 80 1348 5077 3159 222859 404716 70
16Miklós Dietz 1246.93 50 63 30 1560 4166 5578875953
Tanya Fox 246.73 28 65
17Eleanor Baines 445.48 35 28 50 69
18Marcus Bucci 344.63 21 6623
19James Wood 439.66 46 48 2653
20Will Wiles 439.32 29 22 67 49
21Jack Rudd 1937.29 71 47 331318 4358 37 505921 224014164747 4718
22Alan Hammond 335.03 43 36 26
23Geoff Tolley 534.49 36 11 35 2664
24Peter Corbett 532.83 3552 24 21 30
25Jonathan Amery 1031.31 2319 35 2633 66 19412118
Ian Koxvold 228.60 29 33
26Tom Clapham 325.33 28 4223
27Sebastian Bleasdale 322.41 42 6 19
28Andrew Howran 422.09 19 46 21 26
Note: You must play at least 3 games to get a ranking. Games marked * are not included in the average score.


Updated 2013-11-29
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